Sunday, September 27, 2009


Song of the post: Aqualong - Brighter than sunshine
This post is dedicated to the ones i cared.

Some people are just afraid of touch.
Like a friend of mine, she does not like me tickling her all the time.
In fact some guys, they hate me touching them, because i tend to whack them.

Truth is, we enjoy touch. No matter how much you hate touch, or feel frightened of touch.
We are touched since we are born. Do you know how it feels to touch a newborn baby?
Your first time touching your own child, imagine that.
Touch is the first communication we learn since we are babies.

We normally pat, throw your arms around the shoulder, tickle. to our friends or family.
It is so normal that we do not realize it.
We do it all the time.
We can tell, by touch, how our relationships are progressing.

Heard of the book by Audrey Niffenegger " The Time Traveler's Wife"?
I apologize for the example used, but it is the strongest example you can feel.
Please be open minded for these next paragraphs.
In that book, Henry is a time traveler. He can just disappear suddenly and travel in his or Clare's ( His future wife ) memories. Imagine this, you are time travelling, and you suddenly see you own 4 years old. That is how Henry lives through out the time.
He knows his own fate- married to clare.
Clare knows that too.
Because of his genetic disorder, he always cannot be there for clare.
Every time he comes back, he would kissed her, had sex with her, all kinds of things.
nearly every single chapter of the book, at least has one scene of that.

Can you imagine, if God made us not to feel touch?
Every single time your lover touch you, do you feel the excitement?
Have you ever felt that you want to touch a person you love, but you cannot?
I believe everyone has this experience before.
Especially when it comes to loving a person.

Touch is really a beautiful thing.
Feel it.


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