Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sign language

I suddenly remembered there's one day I went to Kuching, Sarawak for holiday. I went there alone to meet my old friends who had moved there. It was three years ago if I'm not mistaken. I stayed at my friend's house and i don't know why this one day, I'm craving for KFC. Maybe because they can't stopped served me with all kinds of Sarawak's weird food and its making my stomach feeling quite...hurm, I not sure how to describe the feeling.

Anyway, to be a very good 'tuan rumah', my friend took me to the town and there's only one KFC store there to be honest. When I entered, i'm quite suprised to see all the workers there are retarded people. I realised when i want to order at the counter and they are making all the sign language which I didn't even understand and I almost burst out but I'm not that mean.

After fiteen minutes I think, I finally managed to get the person understand what I'm trying to order with her friend's help. Maybe she's new. I don't know. But their service is so much better.

What I'm trying to say is eventhough its hard for other people to communicate with them; I think all these people should be given more chances to work at this kind of places cause they are also human being who can really work. and with this oppurtunity, they can mix and socialize with other normal people so that they will not be left out in this environment.

Normal people like us can also learn sign languages so that it's easier to communicate with them.
Its not that hard after all right if you really put the effort.


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